Located on beautiful Lake Monroe in Bloomington, Indiana
From Bloomington, Indiana
Head east on State Rd. 46(E. 3rd St) to St. Rd. 446. Turn right.
Go 7.9 miles south and cross the causeway through the lake. Immediately turn left into
Cutright SRA. Go to the end of the road to Two Herons Marina, approx. 1 mile.
From Nashville, Indiana
Head west on State Rd. 46 for 16 miles. Turn left onto St. Rd.
446. Go 7.9 miles south and cross the causeway through the lake.. Immediately turn left into Cutright SRA. Go to the end of the road to Two Herons Marina, approx.1 mile.
From Bedford, Indiana
Head east on US-50 for 8.3 miles to State Rd. 446N and turn left. Go 16 miles to Cutright SRA and turn right.(If you go across the causeway you have gone too far). Go to the end of the road to Two Herons Marina, approx. 1 mile.
From Seymour, Indiana
Head west on US-50 for 27 miles to State Rd. 446N and turn right. Go 16 miles to Cutright SRA and turn right.(If you go across the causeway you have gone too far). Go to the end of the road to Two Herons Marina, approx.1 mile.